Judge Dredd (role-playing game)

Judge Dredd
Designer(s) Lawrence Whitaker
Publisher(s) Mongoose Publishing
Publication date 2009
Genre(s) Science fiction
System(s) Traveller
Judge Dredd
Designer(s) Matthew Sprange
Publisher(s) Mongoose Publishing
Publication date 2002
Genre(s) Science fiction
System(s) d20 System

Judge Dredd has been the inspiration for two role-playing game systems. These games are based on the fictional world of the Judge Dredd series from the British comic 2000AD. The first was published under license by Games Workshop in the 1980s and used a rules system created specifically for the game, which resembled GW's Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. They also published a Judge Dredd boardgame, and another set in Mega City 1 based on the Block War concept. Their magazine, White Dwarf also featured articles for the RPG and also published a rules supplement for their Blood Bowl game (a fantasy version of American football) which included a team of Judges and a team of Fatties. Additional material for the RPG included a collection of articles and adventures, the Judge Dredd Companion, and adventures Slaughter Margin, and Judgement Day. Games Workshop also produced a range of licensed figures for the setting.

In 2002, Mongoose Publishing acquired the rights to publish games set in the worlds created by 2000AD, and they quickly released Sláine and Judge Dredd role-playing games, which used the d20 rules system. A total of 14 supplements were released for the Judge Dredd d20 RPG, in addition to support in their in-house magazine, Signs & Portents. In 2009, Mongoose Publishing released a new version of Judge Dredd, using their Traveller rules set.

The role-playing games are unrelated to each other except for the setting.

External links

Judge Dredd: The Role-Playing Game

Cover of Boxed Set
Designer(s) Marc Gascoigne and Rick Priestley
Publisher(s) Games Workshop
Publication date 1985
Genre(s) Science fiction
System(s) Custom